Gallery: Our Favorites!

Bauhinia x blakeana
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Bougainvillea spectabilis 'Hawaiian Torch'
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Breynia disticha
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Ficus benjamina
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Couroupita guianensis
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Gardenia mutabilis
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Vitex rotundifolia
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Allamanda blanchettii
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Gardenia taitensis
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Pseuderanthemim carruthersii var. carruthersii
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Euphorbia leucocephala
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Nerium oleander
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Cassia x nealiae 'Lunalilo Yellow'
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Malvaviscus penduliflorus
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Carissa macrocarpa
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Guaiacum officinale
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Guaiacum officinale
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Odontonema cuspida
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Bauhinia galpinii
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Casabela thevetia
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Hemerocallis fulva
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Graptophyllum pictum 
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Euphorbia punicea
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Allamanda cathartica 'Stansill's Double'
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Ceiba speciosa
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Saritaea magnifica
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Galphimia gracilis
Photo by Matthew Gaston
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Most Popular Plants

Graptophyllum pictum (Caricature Plant)

Bucida buceras 'Variegated' (Dwarf Variegated Geometry Tree)

Ficus microcarpa var. crassifolia (Wax Fig)

Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. carruthersii (Variegated False Eranthemum)

Jatropha integerrima (Peregrina)

Breynia disticha (Snow Bush)