Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' (Mediterranean Cypress)
TropPlant Accession Number (TPAN) : 0064 Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens Common Name: Italian Cypress, Mediterranean Cypress, Turkish Cypress, Common Cypress Cultivar: ' Stricta' (Some people include subspecific names for the two general forms: fastigiate (' Stricta ') & horizontal. The fastigiate form is treated as a cultivar, while the horizontal form is believed to be the form pre-horticultural intervention. The fastigiate form is the form/cultivar described specifically in this post. Additionally there are compact forms of the fastigiate form.) Family: Cupressaceae Cupressus sempervirens on the UH Manoa Campus Photo by Matthew Gaston Cupressus sempervirens Photo by Matthew Gaston Native To: Mediterranean Region from Morocco & Spain to Egypt, Israel & Iran Landscaping Information: Plant Type : Tree, Conifer, Evergreen Texture: Fine Form: Conical, Upright-Narrow Hei...